There are a lot of terms that are specific to Lean and Six Sigma. If you are unsure about the meaning of a term, please feel free to check our Lean and Six Sigma Glossary for a definition. If you do not find the term you are looking for, please contact us. We would be happy to answer your questions, and we may add your term to the glossary in the future.

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Any time in a process when one person (or job title) passes on the item moving through the process to another person; potential to add defects, time, and cost to a process.

Histogram or Frequency Plot

Chart used to graphically represents the frequency, distribution and “centeredness” of a population.

Hypothesis statement

A complete description of the suspected cause(s) of a process problem.


DMAIC phase where solutions and ideas are creatively generated and decided upon. Once a problem has been fully identified, measured, and analyzed, potential solutions can be determined to solve the problem in the problem statement and support the goal statement. See also Charter.


Any product, service, or piece of information that comes into the process from a supplier.