There are a lot of terms that are specific to Lean and Six Sigma. If you are unsure about the meaning of a term, please feel free to check our Lean and Six Sigma Glossary for a definition. If you do not find the term you are looking for, please contact us. We would be happy to answer your questions, and we may add your term to the glossary in the future.

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Affinity Chart (diagram)

Brainstorming tool used to gather large quantities of information from many people; ideas usually are put on sticky notes, then categorized into similar columns; columns are named giving an overall grouping of ideas.


DMAIC phase where process detail is scrutinized for improvement opportunities. Note that: 1. Data is investigated and verified to prove suspected root causes and substantiate the problem statement (see also Cause and Effect). 2. Process analysis includes reviewing process maps for value added/non-value-added activities. See also Process Map; Value- Adding Activities; Non-Value-Adding Activities.

Balanced scorecard

Categorizes ongoing measures into four significant areas: finance, process, people, and innovation. Used as a presentation tool to update sponsors, senior management, and others on the progress of a business or process; also useful for process owners.

Baseline measures

Data signifying the level of process performance as it is/was operating at the initiation of an improvement project (prior to solutions).

Black Belt

A team leader, trained in the DMAIC process and facilitation skills, responsible for guiding an improvement project to completion.