
verizon lean six sigma

Lean Six Sigma Heard Verizon Loud and Clear

The difference is obvious when it comes to companies that implement Six Sigma and Lean methodologies and tools. As a member of the public (or better still, as a customer who uses their products or services) one would first notice the company’s excellent product or service. If something were to go wrong (which is rare, […]

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Avoid Decision Delays with Six Sigma

Six Sigma Project Success: How to Deal with Decision Delays

Decision delays are the bane of a well-run Six Sigma project. Your time is valuable and we understand how frustrating it can become. Delay is also a problem in production, executive, and administrative processes all over the world, but it can be overcome. Not only is delay detrimental to Kaizen but it also violates Lean […]

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six sigma competition

Six Sigma: The Death Star to Competition

Competition: Rivalry for supremacy; a contest for a prize, honor, or advantage. As you can see from its definition, competition has somewhat of a negative connotation, because in order for someone or something to be regarded as the best, the opposition inadvertently loses some of its value. The Academy Awards Every year, the entertainment industry […]

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quality failure, lean six sigma, six sigma tools, lean manufacturing

Quality Failure: What Went Wrong?

When we see business failure, in any form, the immediate reaction is to try and understand what went wrong. That’s how we learn. Understanding mistakes and errors leads to higher levels of success of further endeavors. So, the post-mortem begins in an effort to understand the causes of failure in seemingly successful organizations. We have […]

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capability analysis, six sigma tools, quality,

Capability Analysis: Understand the Variables

The Capability Analysis offers a method of understanding variables or limitations of process performance. Every project has performance limits and variances that will be acceptable to the customer. Align the process variables to ensure they meet customer expectations to determine the value of the process. The Value of Capability Analysis The true capability of a […]

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