- Join us in Switzerland for our two-week Black Belt training and certification program.
- This Black Belt training provides you with certification after completion of the course.
- This specific training provides support and project consultation with one of our Master Black Belt instructors.
Class Agenda
Week 3 Six Sigma 4 Week Black Belt & Black Belt after Green Belt Topics
- Week 1 and 2 Review Project
- Multiple Regression
- Advanced Multi-Vari
- Attribute Measurements
- Attribute Measurement Systems
- Sample Size Calculations
- Six Sigma for Service
- Managing Change
- Introduction to DOE
- Full Factorial Experiments
- Full Factorial Simulations
- Fractional Factorials Designs
- DOE Sample Size Selection
- In class DOE Project
- Project Planning & Deliverables
- Project Reviews Measurement
Week 4 Six Sigma 4 Week Black Belt & Black Belt after Green Belt Topics
- Design of Experiments Review
- Blocking in Experiments
- General Factorial Experiments
- Six Sigma Residual Analysis
- Non-Normal Data – Transformations
- Non-Normal Data in Experiments
- Sequential Experimentation
- Response Optimization Designs
- Multiple Response Optimization
- Transactional Improvements
- Simulations for Improvement
- Applied Experimentation
- Statistical Process Control
- Mistake Proofing
- Control Methods
- Project Closure and Synergy
- Class Project
- Project Reviews
- Final Exam
As an approved accredited provider by IACET, 6Sigma.us is authorized to offer students 6 CEUs. In addition, Global Six Sigma dba as Six Sigma.us has been approved by PMI to issue PDUs for our courses. Successful completion of the Black Belt training and required exams will provide 60 PDUs for the two week Black Belt after Green Belt or 120 PDUs for the four week Black Belt. (*PMI and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute, Inc.)
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Other Cities where we offer Training and Certification
San Francisco
Los Angeles