Six Sigma Training Augusta

Why You Need Six Sigma Training Augusta Maine?

With a population pushing just 20,000 residents, Augusta, Maine might not be your idea of a metropolis. However, the city is growing rapidly thanks to its location on the Kennebec River and the presence of the University of Maine. As more residents move to the city, professionals in town are finding it harder and harder to stand out to potential employers. Six Sigma training Augusta Maine programs can provide you with the means to do all that and more.

If you think your college or university degree is enough to land you that dream job, you’re living in the past. A degree is no longer a surefire way to secure a rewarding career, and it hasn’t been for a number of years. There are simply too many people with similar degrees out there. You’re just one more degreed professional that business owners can consider. However, by completing Six Sigma training Augusta Maine students, like you, add one of the most sought after credentials to your resume.

Currently there is no training schedule available for Augusta. However, we do have ongoing training in nearby locations. Check out available training in nearby location

Six Sigma training in Boston

To truly understand why so many employers seek out Six Sigma credentialed professionals, you need to know what it’s all about. Six Sigma is designed to improve processes – any process, actually. From customer service to accounting to pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, Six Sigma ensures that waste is reduced, errors are eliminated and costs are kept in control. For companies, this means stability, savings and success. For the employees, who receive Six Sigma training Augusta Maine residents will typically find that they are more employable and get better positions at hiring.

Getting Your Six Sigma Training Augusta Maine

Six Sigma training Augusta Maine residents unsure about the right choice for them, should look at the different belt levels to determine the best option. It’s structured similarly to marital arts, with white belts being the lowest and master black belts at the other end. White and yellow belt courses are introductions to Six Sigma, but even these can be extremely beneficial for professionals who want greater employ-ability but who don’t want to be intimately involved with Six Sigma projects.

Green belt training is the entry point for those who want to work on Six Sigma teams, and black belt training can give you the ability to move into a leadership position. Master black belt training (after completing green and black belt training) allows you to move into upper management.

With Six Sigma training, you can make yourself the most appealing job candidate possible. Although we do not have classroom programs available in Augusta at this time, we do have other options, including onsite, online, and live webinars, or you may choose a program in your area from our classroom options.

Live Classroom Training

Onsite Classroom Training

Online Self Paced

Online Instructor Led

Blended Training