Six Sigma Certification in Richmond, California

Companies in Richmond, California are still doing their best to recover from the global recession we all experienced. Of course, just because things are looking a lot better, that’s no guarantee that things will actually stay that way. For this reason, it makes sense to fortify your company as best as possible. Even if the economy continues to maintain, you’ll want your business to be able to fight off other competitors, various market factors and the effects of globalization.

There are many ways you could do this, of course. However, until you’ve obtained Six Sigma certification in Richmond, California, there’s little chance it will ever be meeting its full potential.

One of the goals of Six Sigma certification in Richmond, CA is to keep defects down to no more than 3.4 per every million opportunities. While it was originally an approach meant to help with manufacturing, this definition means that Six Sigma certification in Richmond can be used for all sorts of goals your business may have.

Currently there is no training schedule available for Richmond. However, we do have ongoing training in nearby locations. Check out available training in nearby location

Six Sigma training in San Francisco

All the proof you need of this can be seen by looking at just a handful of the countless organizations that have benefited from Six Sigma over the years. These include:

  • Amazon
  • Toshiba
  • The Stanley Works
  • Amazon
  • 3M
  • Ford Motor Company

One of the few things these businesses have in common is that they’ve all leveraged Six Sigma to some degree and been better off for doing so.

Many companies around Richmond, CA have also used Six Sigma. It’s not just for major multinational corporations. Henkel AG, McKesson and PG&E Corp have all benefited from Six Sigma certification in Richmond.

Probably the two most famous success stories attributed to Six Sigma involved Motorola and General Electric. The first actually invented the protocol, which speaks volumes about its potential. Motorola needed a way to tackle their inefficiencies before they got out of control. This is where the original goal of only 3.4 defects per million comes from.

Then, almost 10 years later, GE was facing a similar problem. Jack Welch, then in his fourth year of being CEO, took Six Sigma and made it a deciding factor in his corporation succeeding and going forward to become one of the biggest on the planet.

While your business could probably take on a number of solutions for improving their outlook, few, if any, can compare to the track record of Six Sigma. It might just be the silver bullet you need to meet your business goals.

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