Businesses in Midland Are Better off with Six Sigma

Your business in Midland, Texas has all kinds of options for improving on the way it operates. There’s no reason you shouldn’t explore as many possibilities as you can either. As the recession hopefully made clear, your business can either evolve or succumb to forces beyond its control.

With so many potential ways to strengthen your organization, it can be difficult knowing where to start. One place many companies in similar situations have started is with Six Sigma certification in Midland, Texas.

Chances are that you’ve heard of Six Sigma certification in Midland, TX before. However, even if you have, you may not be familiar with what it is or what it does. If you did, you’d most likely already be using it for your business.

Six Sigma certification in Midland is a strategy that focuses on wasteful practices within a company and then looks for ways to eliminate them. However, this really only scratches the surface. There are countless strategies used to bring about this result.

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Six Sigma training in Dallas

Unlike other business strategies out there that come from a theoretician’s desk, Six Sigma has the benefit of actually coming from a real-life challenge. It’s one that many of you may actually be able to relate to.

During the 1970s, Motorola thought they had a pretty good thing going. Their products were in demand and their production was keeping up. Then they gave one of their factories to a Japanese firm to continue making Motorola products.

Almost overnight, it became clear something very significant had happened. The Japanese firm was making just as many products, but they had dropped defects to 1/20th what their American counterparts were capable of.

While Motorola had to come to terms with the fact that their quality was obviously extremely low, doing so helped them thrive and, arguably, survive. How much longer could they have gone on making lackluster products?

To replicate what the Japanese firm had accomplished, Motorola went about inventing a system we now call Six Sigma. It has since gone on to find a home with such major corporations as Amazon, Ford Motor Company and 3M. In Midland, TX, you can find Six Sigma professionals at places like Integrys Transportation Fuels, Encana and Aggreko, LLC.

Maybe things aren’t quite as bad for you as they were at Motorola. However, you may never know for sure until you begin applying Six Sigma to your process. Whatever inefficiencies might currently be active in your business, having Six Sigma certification in Midland on your side virtually guarantees they get cleared out of the way.

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