Gresham Companies Have a Lot to Gain from Six Sigma

Even if things are going well for your business in Gresham, Oregon, that’s no reason you can’t look for ways to improve. In fact, there’s really no reason not to make constant improvement an ongoing priority for your business. Otherwise, you run the risk of suffering the same fate as so many companies that fell during the recession. Even if the economy stays up for years to come, competitors, changing customer demands and other market forces could prove to be a threat in the near future if you’re not careful. That’s why Six Sigma certification in Gresham, OR is worth considering.

You’re not getting better, you’re getting closer to being out of business. The problem is that most business owners don’t know where to begin improving their organization. Today, there are countless options for doing so, but picking the wrong one will leave you with lackluster results. It will also mean wasting time and money. Again, Six Sigma certification in Gresham, OR is the easy answer.

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Six Sigma training in Portland

It’s a page right out of Motorola’s book. In the early ‘80s, the company realized they had a major problem. One day, they were sure they were on the path to market domination. The next, it became clear their manufacturing process was weak, at best. That’s actually being incredibly generous when you consider that Motorola handed over a factory to a Japanese firm to run and they were able to drop defects to 1/20th what the American workers produced.

Sufficed to say, Motorola was in trouble. However, it’s what they did next that has had a profound impact on companies all over the world. They worked diligently on finding an approach that would be able to replicate what their Japanese workers did, over and over. The result was Six Sigma and this solution was later used by General Electric, Ford Motor Company, IBM, Amazon, Dell and Sony, just to name a handful.

With this new approach, Motorola was able to drop defects in their manufacturing process to just 3.4 per every one million opportunities and keep them there. Countless other companies have since replicated those results.

Around here, ON Semiconductor, ESCO and VanderHouwen & Associates, Inc. have gotten their Six Sigma certification in Gresham, OR to improve the ways their operations function.

Whether your company is currently up against a challenge or you’re simply concerned about dodging some that may show up in the future, Six Sigma certification in Gresham, OR is worth considering. Its track record alone should make clear that it has a lot of potential.

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