Lean Six Sigma Certification Chandler

Building a successful career requires strategic planning and preparation. You need the right skills to be marketable, not only during job hunting periods, but while you’re employed as well. Moving up with an employer is much simpler than finding another job, and you’ll discover that having the right certification and training goes a long way in making you not only a more valued employee, but more promotable as well. Six Sigma Training in Chandler ensures that you have the skillset today’s employers want. Not onboard with Six Sigma? Just consider the number of companies in Chandler that have already implemented Six Sigma programs:

  • Walgreens
  • Apollo Group Inc.
  • Botanicare
  • CVS Caremark

Currently there is no training schedule available for Chandler. However, we do have ongoing training in nearby locations. Check out available training in nearby location

Six Sigma training in Phoenix & Scottsdale

What Is Six Sigma Training?

Six Sigma Training for Chandler professionals is a proven path forward – it’s an ideal solution to your marketability and promotion needs. Six Sigma is a process improvement model that first got its start with IBM back in the late 20th century. Its immense success there led to its widespread adoption in the world of manufacturing, and then its spread into every single industry on earth. You’ll find Six Sigma at work in R&D, in retail, in food service, in engineering, petrochemicals and more. Why? Simply put, it’s the only scientifically proven method to improve processes. It doesn’t rely on trial and error. Rather, it relies on evidence and testing, re-testing and proving. It’s rigorous, accurate and controllable. That means it’s ideal for cutting costs, saving time and improving both quality and customer satisfaction.

How Does Six Sigma Training in Chandler Benefit You?

So, what’s in the deal for you? What does Six Sigma Training in Chandler do for your career? The answer is simple – it makes you a prime candidate for advancement within your current organization. Even the lowest level certification gives you skills and knowledge that can be applied to your regular job duties, helping you become more effective and efficient. It makes you a more valuable asset to your current employer, and gets you the attention of decision makers above you. If you’re looking for stability and the chance to climb that ladder, Six Sigma certification is the way to go.

Of course, you’ll need to choose the right belt for your needs – certification levels are divided into different colored belts. White is the lowest, followed by yellow, green, black and master black belts. Each offers something different, and builds on what you learned at the previous level.

Live Classroom Training

Onsite Classroom Training

Online Self Paced

Online Instructor Led

Blended Training