Lean Six Sigma Certification in Salt Lake, Utah

The Salt Lake City metropolitan area is home to over 1,100,000 people with close to 200,000 living right in Salt Lake, as many locals call it. Between Huntsman Corporation, Zions Bancorporation and Questar Corporation, Salt Lake is home to three Fortune 1,000 companies, with Huntsman actually falling within the Fortune 500. Deseret Management Corporation owned and operated by the LDS Church is also located in Salt Lake.

There are a number of other examples of successful companies that reside in Salt Lake, many of which are headquartered here. Six Sigma certification in Salt Lake, Utah is a great way to ensure yours is able to remain competitive amongst them. Many Salt Lake businesses also have to worry about competitors from elsewhere in the country or even the world.

However, there are countless methodologies out there that claim they can improve the performance of companies like yours, so why should you put any time into Six Sigma certification in Salt Lake, Utah? The main reason is because no other approach has the kind of résumé Six Sigma can claim.

Currently there is no training schedule available for Salt Lake City. However, we do have ongoing training in nearby locations. Check out available training in nearby location

Six Sigma training in Las Vegas

This quality control strategy wasn’t thought up by an author or business analyst. It was born from Motorola’s need to better control their manufacturing processes. That was back in 1986, which means Six Sigma has an unrivaled track record of success, which is coming up on its 30th year. In that time, millions have adopted Six Sigma as a strategy, including both employees and business owners.

Again, this is where Six Sigma stands out against other approaches. Amazon.com, Ford, 3M, Dell, Deere & Company, The Vanguard Group and many other major companies from all over the planet count themselves amongst those that have benefited from Six Sigma. If you or your business decides to gain Six Sigma certification in Salt Lake, Utah, then, you’ll be in good company.

While Six Sigma aims to achieve fewer than 3.4 defects for every 1,000,000 opportunities, this ambitious goal only hints at the benefits this approach can have. It will also teach individual employees how to think with a more analytical mind. This will unite all staff members in a system they can instantly use to collaborate on attacking major problems or those that pop up out of nowhere.

Six Sigma certification in Salt Lake, Utah is becoming more and more important as the competition here gets stiffer. With globalization bringing in even more competitors, the time to benefit from Six Sigma is now. Enroll now for Six Sigma Salt Lake certification.

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